I deserve better

by Jayne

I was with my narcissistic fiancé for 5 years. I had been punished and discarded many times during that time. Over time my identity, self worth and confidence eroded. One of the main purposes I served was being his emotional prop. Over time I learned not to ask for emotional support if I needed it...as it became increasingly and decidedly clear that the entire relationship was all about him.

5 days ago on Christmas Eve, I was a victim of a hit and run. My daughter's husband phoned him to tell him what had happened - he has not texted me, phoned or visited me to see if I am ok. I was unconscious for 20 minutes after being hit and sustained horrid facial and leg injuries and a perforated ear drum - I still suffer from concussion. I know I will recover...

But I am numb to the core that someone can be so cruel and treat someone in this way. I know that I am being punished by him... but for me this is the final straw. It's not going to be easy coming to terms with no longer being with him but for my own sanity and happiness I have to do this. The ironic thing is, he is a GP and was recently banned from driving for 6 months for driving excessively fast!

Comments for I deserve better

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Jan 15, 2017
by: Anonymous

Yes you deserve sooooo much better! N's cant feel emotions like normal people... and they can't support you in ANY way. Walk away, heal, and don't look back.

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